Fee information
Current fees
Daily: $140.00 per day
Fulltime: $660.00 per week (equivalent to $132 per day)
An interim booking fee of $100 is payable upon the offer of a position at MCCCC in order to secure the regular weekly booking request. This is a non-refundable fee which is off-set against the first account or forfeited should the place not be taken up.
A two week BOND which is equivalent to two weeks of full fees excluding the subsidy is charged and is to be paid in full before commencing care. This is refunded to families at the end of your child’s period in care.
A $6.00 contribution from each family per week is charged in lieu of most fundraising activities.
A $20 late fee will be added to all accounts each week should payments be outstanding beyond the regular fortnightly payment process.
Late pick up fee – $5 per minute after 6.00 pm